Unknown Breast milk As Natural Immunization Friday, February 20, 2015 Breast milk As Natural Immunization - Immune substances that are not owned by a formula that expensive though. Even when the milk producers... Breast milk As Natural Immunization - Immune substances that are not owned by a formula that expensive though. Even when the milk producers vying to mimic the composition of breast milk, it will not be able to duplicate it exactly. 5

Breast milk As Natural Immunization

Breast milk As Natural Immunization - Immune substances that are not owned by a formula that expensive though. Even when the milk producers vying to mimic the composition of breast milk, it will not be able to duplicate it exactly.
Proved that infants who received breast milk are less at risk of various infections, such as lower respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, ear infections, and septicemia (blood infection) in the first year of life. Much of this protection because of the removal of immune factors (immune system) in the breast milk and materials pre-milk or colostrum.

Immune factors in breast milk

Broadly speaking there are two kinds of immunity in breast milk, which is a non-specific immune factors (such as bifidus factor, lactoferrin, lysozyme) and specific immune factors (such as immunoglobulin’s). Brief explanation as follows:
Breast milk As Natural ImmunizationBifidus factor. In the breast milk, bifidus factor levels 40 times higher than cow's milk. Bifidus factor in the acid environment in the baby's gut will encourage growth lactobair ibulus bifidus milk. Lactobair ibulus bifidus milk in the baby's intestines will change that much lactose contained in breast milk into lactic acid and acetic acid, so the atmosphere will be more acidic infant gut. The atmosphere of this acid will inhibit the growth of bacteria and Escherichia coli enterobacteriaceae (E.coli) pathogen, which is a type of bacteria that most commonly causes diarrhea in infants. Therefore, most of commensal bacteria in the gut babies who received breast milk from birth is bifidus bacteria. In contrast, the intestinal flora of infants who received cow's milk is a gram-negative germs (especially Bacteroides and coliform). So do not be surprised if the baby is not receiving breast milk is more susceptible to infection pathogens in the absence of protection as well as in infants who received breast milk.

Lactoferrin. Breast milk contains lactoferrin in milk ibudi bervariair levels between 6 mg / ml of colostrum and no more than 1 mg / mL in the mature breast milk. Although the levels of lactoferrin in cow's milk colostrum is also high, namely 5 mg / mL, but these levels rapidly declined. In the mature breast milk, lactoferrin besides inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans, also together (synergistic) with SIgA inhibit the growth of E. coli pathogen.

Lysozyme. It has been long known that lysozyme is a substrate of anti-infection which is very useful in tears. Lately proven that in breast milk also contained lysozyme levels were quite high (up to 2 mg / 100mL), which is 5000 times more than cow's milk. Lysozyme in human breast milk is not destroyed in the gut so that the levels in the feces was found in high enough concentrations. Efficacy of lysozyme, together with the complement system and SIgA can solve the bacterial cell wall (bakteriolitik) of germs enterobacteriaceae and gram-positive germs. In addition, lysozyme allegedly also protects the baby's body from a variety of viral infections include herpes virus hominis. fetuses / infants from birth to the age of a few months, so as to provide protection against a number of illnesses.

And most important immunoglobulin in human blood is IgG. In contrast, in the most important breast milk is IgA. IgA is important not only because of the high concentration, but also because of its biological activity. Of the IgA class, the most dominant is SIgA, whose levels are 90% of the entire immunoglobulin levels in the colostrums and mature breast milk. Allegedly main function of SIgA is to prevent sticking of pathogenic germs in the mucosal lining of the small intestine. In addition, SIgA also expected to inhibit proliferair germs in the gut, although not even kill them. An immunoglobulin level in the left and right breast is the same and is also constant levels in breast milk. Is always the same levels both at the beginning of lactation (breastfeeding) and at the end of lactation and also each 24-hour constant.

Not Guarantee Free of All Ills

So many benefits of breast milk and one of them is able to prevent infection. However, that does not mean babies received breast milk is free from all kinds of diseases. Efforts are still needed to prevent diseases to minimize the risk to the baby.

Most mothers found breast milk is a "drug" when the baby is sick so make do with breastfeeding. This certainly cannot be justified. When the baby is showing symptoms of the disease, should be addressed and if necessary consult a doctor for proper treatment.

Giving breast milk Exclusive

After reading the above, it is expected no more hesitations for mothers to provide breast milk. It is advisable to give exclusive breast milk (breast milk without any additional food) during the first 6 months of baby's life. After it should be given extra food and encouraged to not even 2 years weaning before breastfeeding. For those of you who have just given birth and there is no medical reason that causes cannot or should not breastfeed, then what are you waiting? Give only the best for your baby.

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