Unknown Caring First Pregnancy Part 1 Saturday, February 28, 2015 Caring First Pregnancy - The first pregnancy is a gift of God to his servant as a trust that must be maintained and cared for in order to ... Caring First Pregnancy - The first pregnancy is a gift of God to his servant as a trust that must be maintained and cared for in order to do so, one of which is to learn about prenatal care. It is especially for new mothers who were first to bear the fruit of his heart. The first pregnancy is an incredible experience and need perfect preparation for becoming a mother. Gratitude, happy, hope, and anxiety mixed into one after a woman tested positive for pregnancy by skilled health personnel. Then came the question, what should be done in this first pregnancy? Because of wills over the next 9 months a prospective mother should be able to adapt to a wide physical and psychological changes. 5

Caring First Pregnancy Part 1

Caring First Pregnancy - The first pregnancy is a gift of God to his servant as a trust that must be maintained and cared for in order to do so, one of which is to learn about prenatal care. It is especially for new mothers who were first to bear the fruit of his heart. The first pregnancy is an incredible experience and need perfect preparation for becoming a mother. Gratitude, happy, hope, and anxiety mixed into one after a woman tested positive for pregnancy by skilled health personnel. Then came the question, what should be done in this first pregnancy? Because of wills over the next 9 months a prospective mother should be able to adapt to a wide physical and psychological changes.

This condition is sometimes feels heavy for the first time to become pregnant. But with a lot of reading and asking health workers and mothers who have experienced pregnancy first pregnancy wills it could pass well.

Caring First PregnancyGeneral changes in Pregnancy

Pregnancy in terms of time is divided into three trimesters, one trimester equal to 3 months or 12 weeks. The changes are most common during the first trimester of pregnancy is weight gain between 1-2,5kg. No significant changes in the skin, the mood is very emotional and easily offended by things that are small, easy body fatigue, dizziness and vomiting (morning sickness) and enlarged breasts and sore.

Changes in breast size is caused by hormonal influences, where the body of a pregnant woman who is preparing the channel BMS (ASI) and will take place during the first trimester. At the age of 4-7 weeks of pregnancy the formation of vital organs such as the brain, heart, liver, eyes. Exposure to toxic substances, certain drugs and viral or bacterial infections can cause defects in babies born. Gestational age was calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). For example, a woman begins from the date of the last menstrual period 10-16 September 2013, the HPHT it is dated September 10, 2013.

In the 2nd trimester weight will increase about 6-7 kg. Skin changes may appear a black line down the middle of the abdomen and looks radiant with a noticeable improvement in the skin. Emotional condition has stabilized and feels happy because of symptoms in early pregnancy has decreased, increased appetite, often sweaty body, the nipples may secrete colostrum (yellowish clear liquid). While in the 3rd trimester weight gain will increase 5-6 kg and skin along the abdominal cavity will feel stretched, tight, and may itch. Emotional condition was full of passion and energy, but do not exaggerate it.

Other symptoms that may occur include shortness of breath. Heartburn is caused because the uterus grows into a large and takes a lot of space and limits the movement of the respiratory organs (diaphragm). Indigestion and constipation may also occur due to hormonal influences and intake of iron (Fe) that impact on the intestinal muscle movement. To cope with this increase fiber intake such as vegetables and fruits, drink more fluids and if it is able to do light physical activity. Contraction (loudly) false irregular and not sick, can also occur in trimesters this one.

To Be Continued To Caring First Pregnancy Part 2

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