Unknown Handling Malnutrition and Obesity Friday, March 13, 2015 Handling Malnutrition and Obesity - Poor nutrition continuous light will cause severe malnutrition (malnutrition) with manifestations such... Handling Malnutrition and Obesity - Poor nutrition continuous light will cause severe malnutrition (malnutrition) with manifestations such as: kwashiorkor, marasmus, and marasmik-kwash¬iorkor. In kwashiorkor children would appear to have edema or swelling, usually in the whole body, especially the legs (dorsum pedis), rounded and swollen face, eyes glazed, thin hair, hair color red like corn, easily removed without pain, loss, alteration mental status such as whiny, fussy, or sometimes apathetic, enlargement of the liver, muscles shrink (hypotrophy) are more pronounced when examined on standing or sitting, skin disorders such as pink spots that extends and turns brown-black and peeled (crazy pavement dermatosis ), and is often accompanied by infections, anemia, and diarrhea. 5

Handling Malnutrition and Obesity

Handling Malnutrition and Obesity - Poor nutrition continuous light will cause severe malnutrition (malnutrition) with manifestations such as: kwashiorkor, marasmus, and marasmik-kwash¬iorkor. In kwashiorkor children would appear to have edema or swelling, usually in the whole body, especially the legs (dorsum pedis), rounded and swollen face, eyes glazed, thin hair, hair color red like corn, easily removed without pain, loss, alteration mental status such as whiny, fussy, or sometimes apathetic, enlargement of the liver, muscles shrink (hypotrophy) are more pronounced when examined on standing or sitting, skin disorders such as pink spots that extends and turns brown-black and peeled (crazy pavement dermatosis ), and is often accompanied by infections, anemia, and diarrhea.

In marasmus, the child looks very thin, until the bones wrapped in skin, face as parents, often whiny and cranky, wrinkled skin, subcutaneous fat tissue is very little to none, concave stomach, and often accompanied by chronic diseases, such as chronic diarrhea. While on-kwashiorkor marasmik will appear marasmus and kwashiorkor symptoms mixture, with W / A <60% standard WHO-NCHS median edema inconspicuous.

Handling Malnourished 

Handling Malnutrition and ObesityMalnourished light can be dealt with feeding nutritious, balanced, by increasing the portion of high protein foods, grains, fruits and vegetables. Exclusive breastfeeding in infants until the age of 4 months and breast milk to infants until the age of 2 years also can prevent the incidence of malnutrition.

Some high-protein foods that can be given include: eggs, chicken tenderloin (White Meat), chicken breast (white meat), sirloin (beef), fresh fish, shrimp, milk, snails, soybeans, tofu, yogurt, nuts almonds, peas, broccoli, Tempe, cheese, spinach, wheat, fish, and sushi. Children with severe malnutrition should be immediately brought to the health care facilities to obtain a more comprehensive treatment, such as feeding through a tube (nasogastric feeding), rehydration fluids, as well as the medical supervision of the general condition and management of complications is malnourished.

Handling Excessive Weight (Obesity)

Some things that can be done to prevent obesity in children are: limiting consumption of sugar, more drinking mineral water, eating fruit (one Kiwi) 2 servings a day, and 5 servings of vegetables a day, not sit for more than 2 hours, minimal physical activity one hour every day, and exercise for 20 minutes 3 times a week.

Handling Malnutrition and Obesity

Main things to do parents or caregivers to prevent malnutrition in children are to regulate their diet. Parents should not allow their children to pick and choose only the foods according to their taste, but must wait to steer and use them to consume a healthy and balanced diet. Here are some ways to keep your diet healthy and balanced children:

  1. Always give a balanced diet containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and fiber in children at regular times
  2. Give an example of the child, that parent too, should get used to eating a healthy diet
  3. Sometimes children cannot spend a staple food that has been provided, and then give extra snack two or three times a day to children in addition to staple food
  4. Offer a variety of foods to your child, such as fruits, low-fat dairy products, lean meats and nuts. Offer him a new food even though at first maybe he would refuse. According to the study, usually a child will accept a new food after 4-5 times the offer.
  5. Serve healthy foods in the form of interest to children.
  6. Provide food cooked with low-fat, such as baked or boiled foods, compared to providing fried foods.
  7. Involve children in preparing dishes and tidying the dining table. Children will be excited to eat the food he served himself.
  8. Avoid the provision of nutritious food is low, as it will cause the child to satiety and do not want to eat healthy food. But, do not be too tight, because it can cause a child to become stressed. Consuming sweets and foods from fast food restaurants in small amounts may be given to the child at any time.
  9. Make sure children eat breakfast. Breakfast give children enough energy they need to learn and do in school.

Ways of Handling Malnutrition and Obesity course can be developed solely by the parents. Clearly, it is important for parents, especially mothers, to try to provide proper nutrition for her baby. Proper nutrition and kosher, genuine affection, and the right education are the ideal combination to form a healthy child, intelligent, and good morals.

Source Image: Dave Lobby And Joe 13

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