Unknown Food and Drink Unhealthy Frequently Consumed Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Food and Drink Unhealthy Frequently Consumed - We may have heard rumors that say, that the more advanced age, the more the emerging diseas... Food and Drink Unhealthy Frequently Consumed - We may have heard rumors that say, that the more advanced age, the more the emerging disease. This statement is reasonable, because we can see a shift in the formerly rare disease, become more common. Diseases which used to strike the elderly, is now infecting many relatively young age. Pollution, activity patterns, lifestyle, and diet changes believed to play a role in this regard. 5

Food and Drink Unhealthy Frequently Consumed

Food and Drink Unhealthy Frequently Consumed - We may have heard rumors that say, that the more advanced age, the more the emerging disease. This statement is reasonable, because we can see a shift in the formerly rare disease, become more common. Diseases which used to strike the elderly, is now infecting many relatively young age. Pollution, activity patterns, lifestyle, and diet changes believed to play a role in this regard.

Food and drink, no doubt played a major role in human health. Initially, humans consume food and beverages only limited to meet the biological needs. Along with the times, man began to focus on factors of nutrition and food balance, so we know the term four of five perfectly healthy.

Food and Drink Unhealthy Frequently Consumed

Now, many people choose foods not only to meet their nutritional needs, but because of factors such as trends side, economic factors, practicality, or just taste, which often ignore nutrition and health factors.

Along with the development of science, it was found that a number of widely consumed foods are not only unhealthy for the body can even be harmful if consumed in large quantities and continuously. The reason is the presence of harmful substances contained in the food. Although some causal yet to be proven in a clear, definite, unhealthy food consumption will shift healthy meals that actually required by the body. Well, whatever unhealthy food and beverages are often consumed?

Junk Food

Hearing the words Junk Food, people often associate with hamburgers, sandwiches, pizza, and the like. Actually, the term Junk food is given to a group of foods that have little nutritional value (protein, vitamins, and minerals) with fat, sugar, salt, and high in calories. The term was popularized by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest in 1972. Foods that fall into this category are snacks (salted snacks), candy, sweets, fast food and soft drinks, while the pizza, hamburgers, and tacos, can be categorized as junk food or not depending on the material and the manufacturing process.

The better the quality of natural materials and the manufacturing process will reduce junk food category. A study by Paul Johnson and Paul Scripps on research Institute in 2008 indicated that the consumption of junk food can increase brain activity such as that caused by the additive substances such as cocaine and heroin, causing addiction.

The study by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology also suggests that infants born to mothers who like to consume junk food during pregnancy tend to idolize junk food anyway when large.

Fast food

Fast food is often the choice for people who live in modern times. On the pretext of no time, many people forgo cooking at home and choose to buy food at fast food restaurants. On the one hand it makes it easy, but what about in terms of health? Fast food is usually always cooked and experienced a very long process that loses nutrients and enzymes needed by the body.
The more fast food, the less a person consumes raw food and fresh. In fact, raw and fresh foods provide substances that are not provided by the fast food. Fast food is usually also contain addictive substances, such as preservatives, artificial flavorings, or dyes. These addictive substances when taken continuously it can cause liver damage, ranging from cirrhosis to cancer. Unfortunately, the impact of these harmful substances will occur after long-term consumption, so many people are not aware of it.

Food and Drink Unhealthy Frequently ConsumedSoft drinks (Soft Drinks)

Soft drinks (soda, coke, tonic, sparkling water, carbonated beverages) are a term for a drink containing water, sweeteners, and artificial flavorings. Soft drinks can also contain caffeine, dyes, preservatives, and other ingredients. In 2006, it was discovered that some products sodas also contain small amounts of alcohol, which may have resulted from the natural fermentation process for the carbonation process.

Nowadays, it is well known that soft drinks have bad effects on health, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, caries (decay) teeth, bone loss, and malnutrition. Obesity is associated with high levels of sugar in soft drinks. Can of sugar-sweetened soft drinks are the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar, which can increase blood sugar levels, causing obesity, promotes insulin resistance that eventually lead to diabetes. Obesity is also associated with the use of high-fructose corn syrup in some soft drinks. Consumption of fructose led to the development of insulin resistance. Both of these will accelerate fatty liver and diabetes type 2 diet sodas, contain aspartame as a sugar substitute, which is known to cause serious health problems, such as multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, seizures, diabetes, emotional disorders, and metabolic syndrome.

Some studies also show that soft drink consumption can cause bone loss. It is estimated, one of the causes, is the content of phosphoric acid in some soft drinks such as cola which can shift the calcium from the bones, thus decreasing bone density and cause bone loss. Research by the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology in 2013 concluded that the consumption of soft drinks is associated with increased risk of kidney stones by 23%. Some soft drinks also contain caffeine, which is associated with cancer, heart problems, and increased blood pressure.

Source Image: Kevin Dooley

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