Unknown The Cause of Infertility In Women Sunday, February 22, 2015 The Cause of Infertility In Women - Sterile .. this is very scary word for married couples who had been married long, especially for those... The Cause of Infertility In Women - Sterile .. this is very scary word for married couples who had been married long, especially for those who really want the baby's presence. Infertility it can happen to anyone. In this discussion, it will be explained about some of the causes of infertility. 5

The Cause of Infertility In Women

The Cause of Infertility In Women - Sterile .. this is very scary word for married couples who had been married long, especially for those who really want the baby's presence. Infertility it can happen to anyone. In this discussion, it will be explained about some of the causes of infertility.

definition of Infertility

Sterile, in medical terms is called infertile. Infertility is the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy after one year perform sexual intercourse on a regular basis (2-3 times a week) and do not use contraceptives. Infertility is very complex and must be handled very seriously, because the cause of infertility can occur from both sides, both of the husband or the wife. By knowing the causes of infertility, can help direct the solutions that must be taken in an attempt to get a descent.
The Cause of Infertility In Women

Misconceptions in the community

There is a bit of a view that should be changed about infertility amongst the people in Indonesia today. Especially for some parents who still blame women for causing inability couples to have children. Infertility does not only happen to women only, but can also occur in men. With the disruption of the male reproductive system also will hinder the process of pregnancy partner.

Based on a study, the problem of infertility that occurs is approximately 30 to 40% as a result of men, women and 40-50% due to the remainder due to the influence of both. In this review will discuss the factors that cause infertility in men and women briefly.

The cause of infertility in women

1. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of tissue implants outside the womb or uterus, whereas normally only grows inside the uterus. This can lead to adhesions at about the oviduct or the reproductive organs thus inhibiting fertilization.

2. Infection Reproductive Organs

Vaginal infections can increase the acidity of the vagina so that it will kill sperm and vaginal shrinkage occurs which would hinder the transport of sperm into the vagina. In addition, abnormalities of the fallopian tubes due to infection will lead to adhesion resulting in obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which in turn causes the ovum and sperm cannot meet.

3. Hormonal factors

Reproductive hormone abnormalities, Reviews such as lutein and follicle stimulating can inhibit the release of eggs. Hypothalamic-pituitary gland is abnormal due to genetic factors, tumor or cancer also can inhibit ovulation. Abnormalities of the thyroid gland, thyroid hormone excess and deficiency causes chaotic menstrual cycles Also.

4. Early Menopause

Early Menoupase a condition cessation of menstruation and the depletion of ovarian follicles that early Occurs before the age of 40 years. Although Often unknown reason, but on certain conditions associated with early menopause, such as immune system diseases, radiation and chemotherapy treatment, and smoking.

5. Blockage of the fallopian tube

Damaged or blocked fallopian tube is generally caused by salphingitis, which can inhibit pregnancy or cause a pregnancy outside the womb. If damaged fallopian tubes in women will form scar tissue and changes that interfere with the movement of the egg thus inhibiting fertilization.

6. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which the body produces too much hormone androgen, and is associated with insulin resistance and obesity. This syndrome causes many ovarian cysts and excess production of androgens, testosterone. As a result, ovulation does not occur.

7. Tumor and Cancer Uterus

Wall tumors are benign or malignant uterus can cause infertility. Large tumors also be the cause of infertility in women. Because the tumor will affect the shape of the uterus of women. Cervical cancer if left unchecked will also cause infertility in women. Cancer can also attack the woman's vagina.

8. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors are also very often the cause that hinder the performance of the female reproductive hormones Exposure to high doses of radiation, cigarette smoke, gas ananstesi, chemicals, and pesticides can cause toxic to all parts of the body including the reproductive organs that will affect fertility.

9. Stress and Unhealthy Lifestyle

Stress conditions can also affect the sterility of occurrence. Similarly, unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Alcohol is not recommended to drink because in terms of health is very harmful to health, especially for women.

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