Caring for Children Affected Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) - This happy occasion we will jointly discuss about how to
care for children who experience adverse events Following Immunization (AEFI).
In medicine every type of therapy typically have a relative risk (relative
risk) or risks that may arise due to a given therapy to prevent or treat a
We need to look together that the incidence of risk at a
treatment is not always caused by drugs or vaccines are given. This can occur
due to technical problems the manufacture, supply and distribution, and storage
vaccines, error procedures and techniques of immunization,
disease who previously had suffered or solely incidents arising by chance is
marked by the discovery of the same event at the same time the local population
groups with similar characteristics but are not immunized. It is appropriate
study AEFI reports by the Vaccine Safety Committee, the Institute of Medicine
(IOM) stated that most of the USA AEFI occurred due to chance alone. Events is
due to common immunization is due to procedural errors and technical
implementation (programmatic errors). Not all events are caused by immunization
AEFI because most did not have anything to do with immunization.
Children are very susceptible to diseases due to viruses or
which may cause signs and symptoms similar to those that may occur in
immunization. The symptoms that arise after immunization, such as fever, it can
happen or not. This is related to the child's immune system. For that we need
not worry too much because AEFI not always appear at each immunization. AEFI
symptoms caused induction of vaccine are generally mild, serious very rare. The
benefits of immunization to prevent disease far outweigh the risks, as for the
type of AEFI can be divided into:
- Local reactions: pain at the injection site, swelling, redness at the injection site, and scarring.
- Systemic reactions: fever, rash redness, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of the eye), swelling of the parotid (salivary glands in the lower jaw), anxiety, fatigue.
- Vaccine Reaction Weight: Seizures, thrombocytopenia (decreased platelets), Hypotonis hyporensponsive episode (HHE), anaphylactic reaction (shock due to allergies), encephalopathy (inflammation of the brain)
To reduce risk and minimize the incidence of AEFI should
always endeavor to increase the accuracy of immunization during immunization
programs implemented and attention to contraindications or children should not
be given immunization on condition have a fever> 40.5 0 C, such a state of
collapse and shock, convulsions, crying more than 3 hours within 48 hours after
administration of DPT immunization, HIV infection or exposure to HIV at home,
decreased immunity (leukemia, solid tumors, heredity, or get therapy that
causes decreased immunity (immunodeficiency) in the long term, as well as
immunodeficiency occupants at home .
How to Tackle and Caring AEFI
As parents of course we all no one wants our children
exposed to AEFI. Therefore, it is important for parents to know about the signs
and symptoms of AEFI and how to treat them. Tissue inflammatory response is a
reaction resulting from the injection of vaccines and irritation of the tissues
of the body, symptoms include pain, redness, and swelling, this condition
usually occurs in a period of 48 hours after immunization. How to treat them is
to provide a cold compress and avoid the emphasis on the former injection, give
paracetamol 10 mg / kg / time when the administration of the child's body
temperature exceeds 38.5 0 C. When swelling occurs very large, accompanied by
pain, redness of the surrounding area the joint actions that need to be the
same as above plus the lift swollen body parts at a higher position, these
symptoms will improve after one week.
In the area of the injection site may experience abscess
(abscess) usually occurs seven days after vaccination, but this is very rare.
Abscesses may be accompanied by fever or not. Abscesses occur due to the
injection of contaminated vaccines, cleaning or improper storage. Abscess
treatment is done by administering analgesics (acetaminophen, an ice pack on
the site of injection) if necessary, a simple surgery by health workers to
remove fluid or pus that exist in the abscess.
Other symptoms that may arise is the child you will mengeleh
lethargy, muscle pain, headache, and chills. How to care these conditions, give
a warm drink and a blanket. Allergic reactions that require referral to a
clinic or hospital as swelling of the lips and throat, shortness of breath,
decreased blood pressure decrease immediately take your child to the clinic or
hospital to immediately get further help.
Thus Spake a brief discussion of Caring for Children Affected Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI), how prevention and treatment, may be a useful knowledge for us all.
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