Unknown When To Drink Antibiotics Sunday, March 8, 2015 When To Drink Antibiotics -  In the modern era of the all, as now, a parent is required to pro-actively and critically with the doctor... When To Drink Antibiotics - In the modern era of the all, as now, a parent is required to pro-actively and critically with the doctor's treatment for her baby. One is when doctors prescribe antibiotics. As parents, we need to make sure, already accurate to the use of antibiotics in our baby, because improper use of antibiotics is not only a waste of money, but also will have a negative impact on children's health. 5

When To Drink Antibiotics

When To Drink AntibioticsIn the modern era of the all, as now, a parent is required to pro-actively and critically with the doctor's treatment for her baby. One is when doctors prescribe antibiotics. As parents, we need to make sure, already accurate to the use of antibiotics in our baby, because improper use of antibiotics is not only a waste of money, but also will have a negative impact on children's health.

When To Drink AntibioticsOn this occasion, we will try to provide balanced information so that parents are not excessive in giving antibiotics, but also not antipathy to antibiotics.

Know Antibiotics

Antibiotics are substances produced by microorganisms, which in low concentrations to inhibit the growth or kill other microorganisms. Antibiotics are drugs used in the treatment of patients with proven or suspected bacterial infections and sometimes also used to prevent bacterial infections in special circumstances. The use of antibiotics should not be arbitrary and can only be obtained with a prescription, because the use of improper indication it will cause resistance (resistant) drugs.

As Is Inappropriate Use of Antibiotics?
The use of antibiotics that are not based on conditions (doctor's orders) lead to ineffectiveness of the drug so that the kill rate is reduced or even cause resistance. Inaccuracy use of antibiotics occurs in very varied clinical situations, including:

  • Giving antibiotics in the absence of bacterial infection.
  • Selection of antibiotics is wrong or does not fit the diagnosis.
  • Dose improper or excessive.
  • Long improper use of antibiotics.
  • Use of excessive inject able antibiotics in diseases that can be cured with drugs that swallowed (oral).
  • Self-medication by patients by taking antibiotics should be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Excessive use of antibiotics for prophylaxis (prevention) in clean surgery, particularly antibiotics that lasts longer than the recommended time (less than 24 hours post-surgery).

This situation is partly due to various factors such as the lack of physician knowledge, past experiences or examples from senior colleagues, the expectations and demands of patients, the pharmaceutical industry promotion, and easy patient buy antibiotics without a prescription.

Increasingly Earlier, the Higher Risk

Most cases of infectious diseases in children are caused by viruses. Viral disease is a disease that includes "self-limiting disease," or self-limiting disease within 5 to 7 days. Most infections diarrhea, coughs, colds and heat caused by a virus.

A study concluded that children who received antibiotics for respiratory tract infections not turned out to be at risk of suffering from asthma is twice as large at the age of 7 years than those who did not receive antibiotics.

This study confirms the results of previous studies that the use of antibiotics is too early in children (aged less than 1 year), especially broad-spectrum antibiotics, increase the risk of asthma in children. So it is advisable not to give antibiotics, especially the broad bersektrum to children aged less than 1 year if not indispensable.

A few information about When To Drink Antibiotics, may be useful for us all.

Source Pic: Iqbal Osama

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