Unknown Know Your Medications Enhancing Fertility Hormones Part 1 Thursday, February 26, 2015 Know Your Medications Enhancing Fertility Hormones - Having a baby is the dream of every married couple. For a long time have not been b... Know Your Medications Enhancing Fertility Hormones - Having a baby is the dream of every married couple. For a long time have not been blessed with offspring, it will make the couple worried and anxious. 5

Know Your Medications Enhancing Fertility Hormones Part 1

Know Your Medications Enhancing Fertility Hormones - Having a baby is the dream of every married couple. For a long time have not been blessed with offspring, it will make the couple worried and anxious. In this case, the wife was the one who usually feel the heaviest burden. Moreover, there is the view that the cause of all that is of the wife. Though not like it, not one's wife, because every destiny is Allah Who has outlined. Moreover, it is not always the wife is the cause, the husband can also be the cause has not been blessed with offspring. Or it could be the cause is not due to a problem of infertility but also physiological.
Know Your Medications Enhancing Fertility Hormones
What's fertility or fertility?

In fertility is the ability of a wife to conceive and give birth to a child who caused due to fertilization. A woman is said to be fertile, if it releases a mature egg to be fertilized by sperm. A woman's fertile period is easily recognizable with their menstrual cycle and other changes that can be seen physically. Average in every menstrual cycle, one or more eggs will grow and mature. Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the uterus and then walked toward the fallopian tubes to be fertilized.

The fertile men do not have a monthly cycle as woman's fertile period. However, men also have fertile period, which is a period in which the man's sperm in the best condition and has most likely be able to fertilize the egg and occur every morning or especially during the winter because at times the man has more sperm number.

What is Hormones That Affect Fertility?

There are several important hormones associated with fertility in couples. If the hormone was compromised, it will have an impact on fertility. These hormones include:

  • FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), which helps the development of follicles in the ovaries and the formation of estrogen.
  • LH (Luteinizing Hormonon), which regulates ovulation and corpus luteum formation (body glands that produce hormones pregesteron).
  • The hormone estrogen, which regulate the development and maintaining the characteristics of femininity. This hormone is produced in the ovaries, placenta, kidney and small.
  • The hormone progesterone, the hormone is as protective pregnancy produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary.
  • Thyroid hormones, hormone deficiency will interfere with the body's metabolism which causes the egg is cooked. These hormones stimulate the ovaries or the function of the ovaries to occur growth and follicular maturation followed by ovulation, or the release of the egg.

How to Overcome Infertility Disorder?

Infertility is one of them due to the hormonal system disorders. In women, symptoms of hormonal systems are generally characterized by painful menstruation and menstrual irregularity. Limiting the intake of calorie-dense foods, especially carbohydrates and fat is the first step to get a descent effort. It is important also to enrich the diversity of foods, especially nutrient-rich fertilizer reproductive system, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B12, folic acid, beta-carotene, iron, zinc, and selenium. As women, who need adequate intake of folic acid and other fertilizer nutrients, men thus to support the reproductive system.

In addition to enriching nutrition, efforts to do are hormone therapy, although it does not mean that all cases of infertility can be treated with hormone therapy. Hormone therapy is only done when the coordination or less good hormone production. Hormone therapy to overcome infertility disorders by means of the addition of hormones from the outside. The case that led to do this when the hormone therapy that produces FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (Luteinizing hormone) in the body less. This hormone deficiency makes infertility (infertility), both men and women. In men will affect sperm count, while in women cause ovulation or egg formation.

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