Unknown Easy Tips for Getting Kids Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Easy Tips for Getting Kids - However a large and magnificent home but if not there then the baby cries as if incomplete, even impressed the... Easy Tips for Getting Kids - However a large and magnificent home but if not there then the baby cries as if incomplete, even impressed the house was quiet and less crowded. There are some couples who got a test not to have babies in a long enough period of time. It is enough to make them disappointed even despair. 5

Easy Tips for Getting Kids

Easy Tips for Getting Kids - However a large and magnificent home but if not there then the baby cries as if incomplete, even impressed the house was quiet and less crowded. There are some couples who got a test not to have babies in a long enough period of time. It is enough to make them disappointed even despair.

Easy Tips for Getting KidsHere's a bit of discussion to be easy to get offspring. Husband and Wife Mutual Support Mutual Blaming each other and not blame or suspicion is not a solution to break the deadlock. Not a wise action if both is looking for a scapegoat, let alone to divorce. More-over wife blamed her husband for not being able to give offspring. In the case of epidemiological studies, difficulty conceiving a third for women, a third of the men and the third a combination of both. With the modern medical science, it is known who is troubled reproductive system, causing infertility or infertility. Should them both support and check-up, so that appropriate treatment can be given to the diagnosis of the cause.

Tests done to her husband:
  1. A physical examination, psychological, and medical history
  2. Sperm analysis to determine the quality and quantity of sperm
  3. Examination of the hormone.

While the examination of the wife to be:
  1. A physical examination, psychological and medical history
  2. The normal process of ovulation by examining blood and hormones
  3. Look for obstructions in the womb with one of the following

  • Ultrasound to determine the tumor, or cancer Kitsa
  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is by entering a special fluid into the uterus through the vagina. Fluid will appear on x-rays. If there is a blockage of the fluid movement stops.
  • Laparoscopy is to use the tool to see the state of the inside of the abdominal cavity, the condition of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

Knowing and Finding Information on Infertility and Reproductive Issues

In medicine infertility is the reduction or loss of the ability to produce offspring. Primary occurred in patients who were never pregnant. Secondary in patients who had previously been pregnant. (Dorland Medical Dictionary p. 1096, Issue 29, EGC, Jakarta) Infertility is not pregnant after 12 months of having sex regularly (1-3 times a week) and free contraception when women aged less than 34 years. So do not rush to judge barren. if rarely met and often parted then alternately put on hormonal contraception, it cannot be diagnosed infertility aka barren.

The cause of obstruction of Pregnancy

Briefly, because the absence of pregnancy on the following points:
  1. There must be an egg from the ovary or ovaries.
  2. The egg should move toward the uterus through the fallopian tubes and not clogged
  3. In this journey, the sperm cells of men should be able to reach and fertilize the egg.
  4. The fertilized egg must then be attached to the uterine wall inside, not outside the uterus.

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