Unknown How to Overcome Developmental Disorders in Children Tuesday, March 10, 2015 There are many types of growth disorders in children , ranging from the lightest to the very complex. The following describes some growth d... There are many types of growth disorders in children, ranging from the lightest to the very complex. The following describes some growth disorders in children and how to overcome them: 5

How to Overcome Developmental Disorders in Children

There are many types of growth disorders in children, ranging from the lightest to the very complex. The following describes some growth disorders in children and how to overcome them:

Speech Delay (Delay Speech)

Speech Delay is a failure to develop the ability to speak to the child, which is expected to be reached at his age. In other words, the development of the child (in the case of speech) left a few months from friends of his age.

types of growth disorders in children Causes of Speech Delay:

  • Children who are suspected of having speech delay is often also have problems hearing.
  • The existence of developmental delays that occur because not reached a level of maturity as the maturity of the organs of speech.
  • Lack of stimulation or less exposed to the social environment.

How to Overcome Speech Delay:

Here are some ways to overcome children who have speech delays or delays in speech:

• Read a book or a picture story so that the child can appoint or to name objects that he knew.

• Use simple language when talking to children.

• Correcting false speech of a child. Try to always repeat the words spoken in our children.

• Give praise to the child when the child is telling the truth.

• Do not ignore the child and always provide a response to what they are saying.

• Do not force the child to speak because this will only make the child become increasingly depressed.

• Consult the experts such as a pediatrician or child development experts.

Walking Ability Delay

Range of children’s ability to walk without assistance is in the age of 8 months to 18 months. If the child is over 18 months old cannot walk, new categorized 'delay' or late, so that the necessary interventions. Thus, children aged 15 months who cannot walk, declared "not ready", and is not considered to be too late, because the tolerance ranges long enough. But do not underestimate the condition. Its better you do the initial detection of the "delay" is that it can be anticipated and sought a way out.

Causes of Walking Ability Delay:

Health conditions of children who are less supportive. Delay child begins to walk can be caused by neurological disorders, malnutrition, and diseases such as: history of a lack of oxygen at birth, severe diseases (sepsis, kerinikterus, meningitis), infants born with very low weight, premature infants, cerebral palsey, post long seizures, congenital heart disease, and so forth.

  • Heredity. Some cases show that parents have a history of late runs will decrease to their children.
  • The shape and weight of children. Children with short legs are usually quicker to walk than the leggy.
  • The longer the child's foot, it is usually more difficult to balance the body.
  • A bad experience when learning to walk. Accidents that may occur while learning to walk like tripping up against the table even bloody, could lead to child trauma and lazy to practice again. Moreover, when coupled with the response of parents who are too worried.
  • Babies who are not surrounded by other children. This usually results in the child so much slower running because no one gave him an example (though not always).
  • Parents and overprotective environment. Excessive affection by prohibiting child to engage in activities that "challenge" for fear of falling or slipping, make the child lose confidence to start running. Habit too often held and excessive use of baby walkers can also make children lazy learning path.

How to Overcome Walking Ability Delay:

  • Cooperating with patience. Holding period is a period that requires extra effort and patience. Since the hand we have to accompany you wherever your baby moves. At first we use two hands to hold, but we gradually loose with one hand, until finally we lose him walk without help us.
  • Use various tools as an aid. Sturdy plastic chairs, a small table light, and gallons of mineral water that is not fully charged can be an attractive tool for prodding children.
  • Make sure the environment is safe around children. It aims to minimize the occurrence of accidents. Such as getting rid of things that are easy to reach and easy to break.
  • Do it with excitement. Take the distance from the child by holding a toy or object that caught his attention. Ask the child to pick it up and give a warm hug when he managed to reach them. Expand the range to enhance its capabilities.
  • Avoid baby walkers. Practical factors and can be left doing other things parents often make exaggerated in the use of baby walkers. In fact, things like that can cause children to become lazy running when removed without a walker. The use of baby walkers still have to control as proven in some cases can cause accidents such as slipping on stairs, bathrooms, and a pool.
  • Continue to the spirit of the child. Learning to walk is a combination of exercise independence, self-confidence, never give up, and patience.
  • Consult a physician if the child does not also show progress in the ability to walk though already done adequate stimulation.
types of growth disorders in children

How to Recognize Symptoms:

There are several ways that can be used to know the symptoms of autism, one of them with a method called M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers). Parents should observe the following six key questions:

1. Is your child interested in other children?
2. Does your child can point to notify their interest in something?
3. Does your child ever bring an object to be shown to parents?
4. Does your child can imitate your behavior?
5. Does your child respond when called his name?
6. When you appoint a toy from a distance, whether your child will look towards the toy?

If you answer NO to two or more questions, then you should consult a professional who is an expert in child development and explore the field of autism. Characteristics of persons with autism lot of variety (spectrum is very wide) so that the most ideal way of diagnosis is to check their children at some team specialists like neurologist, child psychologists, child disease specialist, language therapists, expert teachers and other professional experts in the field autism. The best diagnosis is to carefully observe the behavior of the child to communicate, behave and developmental level. Parents should be sensitive to the development of children from birth, and report to the doctor for any delays and disruption in the development of behavior.

Enough discussion type of growth disorders in children Hopefully Helpful for us all.

Source Pic : Google Image

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