Unknown Chicken Pox Treatment & Management Thursday, March 5, 2015 Chicken Pox Treatment & Management Know the "Chicken Pox" Smallpox is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus ... Chicken Pox Treatment & Management - Smallpox is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus infections is very contagious. Chickenpox disease can be transmitted through direct contact with the liquid or blisters with patients and can also spread by droplet (droplet). Transmission can occur from one day before appearing redness of the skin up to 7 days after symptoms appear. 5

Chicken Pox Treatment & Management

Chicken Pox Treatment & Management

Know the "Chicken Pox"

Smallpox is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus infections is very contagious. Chickenpox disease can be transmitted through direct contact with the liquid or blisters with patients and can also spread by droplet (droplet). Transmission can occur from one day before appearing redness of the skin up to 7 days after symptoms appear.

How to Recognize Symptoms?

We need to be aware of when symptoms begin to appear there is a history of chickenpox after contact with patients 2-3 weeks earlier. Chickenpox disease is usually preceded by an increase in body temperature or fever (though not always), then appears redness of the skin that is small which was first discovered around the chest and abdomen or back and then followed arise in the limbs (arms, legs) and facial.

Chicken Pox Treatment & ManagementRedness of the skin is then transformed into plenting (vesicles) containing fluid with thin walls. If plenting is allowed it will soon dry to form a scab (crust) that will be released and leave spots / scars in the skin (hyper pigmentation).

How the Right Treatment?

Smallpox includes a self-limiting disease or illness that can heal itself without specific treatment. The disease is caused by a virus that does not require antibiotics in treatment. Smallpox patients only require adequate rest and nutrition nutritious to increase endurance. In certain circumstances, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs are taken, especially if the incidence of chickenpox is still long. Antiviral drugs are effective if given as soon as possible (less than 24 hours). If necessary, be given febrifuge, anti-itch, or other medications depending on the symptoms”

The disease is caused by a virus that does not require antibiotics in treatment. Smallpox patients only require adequate rest and nutrition nutritious to increase endurance. In certain circumstances, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs are taken, especially if the incidence of chickenpox is still long. Antiviral drugs are effective if given as soon as possible (less than 24 hours). If necessary, be given febrifuge, anti-itch, or other medications depending on the symptoms. In addition, it could be coupled with supplements to boost the immune system of children.

Here are some steps that parents can do when they have to care for their children are exposed to smallpox:

  1. Measure the child's temperature regularly (4 hours), give febrifuge if> 38 ° C. If possible, place the child in a place (room) apart from other family members to minimize transmission. The quarantine as suggested by the whole scab peeling (blister wounds had dried all).
  2. Cut nails so that children do not leave scars scratching.
  3. Stay bathes the child, because the prohibition of bathing children who are sick smallpox is a myth. Precisely smallpox patients should always keep her body so that no complications due to the entry of bacteria into the wound.
  4. After the bath, sprinkle the powder Salicylic throughout the body, especially that there is smallpox plenting water. This powder is used to reduce itching while reducing the surface tension plenting that is not easily broken.
  5. Do not break plenting and let it dry by itself, so as not to leave deep scars.
  6. Put the soft cotton clothing to minimize friction with plenting chickenpox so as not to break it.
  7. Provide nutritious foods and keep your child can rest to recover his body.

Hopefully this article on Chicken Pox Treatment & Management can benefit us all.

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