Unknown Know Malnutrition in Children Thursday, March 12, 2015 Know Malnutrition in Children - Malnutrition is a clinical condition caused by improper diet or insufficient. Malnutrition is a disease ca... Know Malnutrition in Children - Malnutrition is a clinical condition caused by improper diet or insufficient. Malnutrition is a disease category that include: malnutrition (under nutrition), obesity and overweight (overweight), and micro nutrient deficiencies (micronutrients deficiency, also known as "hidden hunger"). 5

Know Malnutrition in Children

Know Malnutrition in Children - Malnutrition is a clinical condition caused by improper diet or insufficient. Malnutrition is a disease category that include: malnutrition (under nutrition), obesity and overweight (overweight), and micro nutrient deficiencies (micronutrients deficiency, also known as "hidden hunger").

Malnutrition in children is very disruptive process of growth and development, because at this age of nutrients is needed to build a healthy body and mentally strong. Moreover, malnutrition at this age can also have an impact on the emergence of various diseases when the child grows into adolescence or adulthood.

When is a Child Suspected of Having Malnutrition?

Know Malnutrition in Children

A malnourished child can be suspected if not fulfill the characteristics of well-nourished children. The characteristics of well-nourished children are: increasing age, increasingly dense and grow tall, upright posture and muscle dense, shiny and strong hair, skin and nails clean and not pale, cheerful face, eyes clear and fresh lips, teeth clean and pink gums, good appetite and regular bowel movements, moving actively and speak fluently by age, attentive and actively react, and can sleep soundly. Easily, malnutrition in children can be identified by the presence of low physical development. For example, the child's body is too short for his age, too thin, or too fat.

Much malnutrition occurred in Children

When you look back on the above definition, types of malnutrition may vary, depending on what nutrients are lacking or excessive. However, in this discussion will only discuss two types of malnutrition that is directly related to nutritional status, namely: lack of nutrition and overweight.

1. Under nutrition

Malnutrition in infants and children are caused by low consumption of energy and protein in the daily diet that does not meet the nutritional needs of numbers (RDA). Signs of malnutrition in infants and children are the lower weight of the child's age, weight babies do not go up for 3 months, and children are often sick, less active, and cranky. In addition, the child usually also have a high or a body length, head circumference, and arm circumference less than normal children.

Detection of malnutrition can be done through, weighing and measuring the length / height of children regularly on health service centers. Through weighing and measurement can be seen Weight child by age (W / A), the child's height for age (TB / U), and the child's weight for height (TB / U), so it can be determined whether the normal nutritional status, thin (underweight), or obese (overweight).
Assessment results of measurements can be performed using KMS graphics card (simple) or with the WHO table NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics). When using KMS card, how the assessment is to match the child's age and weight connecting the curve. When still in the green line means good nutritional status of the child, while if below the red line means poor nutritional status. Other measurement standards that are widely used standard WHO- NCHS from the United States, namely:

  1. 1. Malnourished lighter weight for age (W / A) = 80-70% raw WHO-NCHS median and / or weight for height (W / H) = 90-80% raw-NCHS median WHO¬
  2. 2. Malnourished being when weight for age (W / A) = 70-60% raw WHO-NCHS median and / or weight for height (W / H) = 80-70% raw-NCHS median WHO¬
  3. 3. Malnourished weight when weight for age (W / A) = <60% standard WHO-NCHS median and / or weight for height (W / H) <70% of the median standard WHO-NCHS

 Click Here to see an explanation of the Under nutrition

2. Excess Weight Loss (Obesity)

Obesity is overweight as a result of excessive accumulation of body fat, which occurs when the consumption of more calories than the body needs. Obesity includes several factors such as genetic, psychological, and environmental like behavior / pattern / lifestyle, for example, what to eat, how many times a day he eats, as well as any activity. Obesity in children also needs to watch out, because weight gain is likely to impact on other things such as glucose intolerance, and hypertension.

Click Here to see an explanation of the Obesity

A few explanations about Know Nutrition in Children may be useful for us all.

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